
Exporter 785 résultats :
Scotiabank_NuitBlanche (2008).  Archive. Scotiabank Nuit Blanche 2007 Zone B. Curated Exhibition. ICONOCLASH: NIGHT of AWE DANCE PARTY, 2007. <;zone=B> : ScotiaBank NuitBlanche
[Anonymous] (2008).  Night watch: three years in, Nuit Blanche has grown into a 155-site beast. Five spectacles worth fighting the crowds for.(ART). Toronto Life. vol. 42, no. 10, p. 49
Scotiabank_NuitBlanche (2008).  Beginning to See the Light. Yoko Ono, Imagine Peace. <> : BankScotia Nuit Blanche
Demkiw, Janis (2008).  Jenny Holzer. C : International Contemporary Art. vol. 97, no. 1, p. 47
Holzer, Jenny (2008).  Projections. <> : Jenny Holzer webpage
Mural_Routes (2008).  Mural Map of Canada. Ontario. Windsor. Wyandotte Town Centre Mural Project. Community Spirit. Spitfire Heroes. <> : Mural Routes
Université_Laval (2008).  L'art public sur le campus de l'Université Laval.. <> Mars Québec : Université Laval : Comité de l'aménagement et de la mise en oeuvre
Toronto_SculptureGarden (2008).  Luis Jacob. Flashlight. <> : Toronto Sculpture Garden
Quigle, Warren (2008).  Projects. Gateway. < > : Warren Quigle webpage
Toronto (2008).  Spadina LRT Public Art Program. <> : City of Toronto, Arts Heritage & Culture
Tree_Museum (2008).  Tenth Annual Exhibition. September 16 to October 28 2007. What Is Place, Doe Lake. Muskoka : The Tree Museum, p. 36
Tree_Museum (2008).  Jocelyn Belcourt Salem. Glimmer. <> : Tree Museum
Fischer, Barbara (2008).  Sculpture In The Garden: Sanctuary Or Exile?. <> : Toronto Sculpture Garden
de Groot, Raphaëlle (2008).  Raphaëlle de Groot- Artiste en arts visuels. <;id_p=17>
Toronto_SculptureGarden (2008).  Gilbert Boyer. I looked for Sarah everywhere. <> : Toronto Sculpture Garden
Racine, Rober (2008).  Robert Racine (Page Internet). <>
Lethbridge (2008).  Welcome to Downtown Lethbridge. <> : Downtown Lethbridge
Newman, Holly (2008).  Fortune's Folly, 2008. <> : Holly Newman webpage
Tree_Museum (2008).  Lyla Rye. Locus. <> : Tree Museum
Toronto_SculptureGarden (2008).  David Kramer. Making the scene. <> : Toronto Sculpture Garden
CBC (2008).  Poetry to be a walk in the park for Edmonton. <> September 4 : CBC News
CAFKA (2008).  CAFKA.05. <>, p. CAFKA Contemporary Art Forum
Blodgett, E. D. (2008).  Poems for a Small Park . <>Edmonton : AU Press, Athabasca University
Newman, Holly (2008).  Tree Bands, 2008. <> : Holly Newman webpage
Tree_Museum (2008).  Anne O’Callaghan. Relic of Memory. <>
Wonnacott, Justin (2008).  More Public Art. Public Art Commissions. Save Me. <> : Justin Wonnacott webpage
O’Callaghan, Anne (2008).  Scenic View. Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, Ontario. <;id(ex_list)=3> : AnneO’Callaghan webpage
Quigley, Warren (2008).  Projects. Third Garden. < > : Warren Quigley
City_of_Toronto (2008).  The Assembly Hall. Lakeshore’s Community Cultural Center. <> : City of Toronto, Arts Heritage & Culture
Quigley, Warren (2008).  Projects. When the Forest Moves. < > : Warren Quigley
Quigley, Warren (2008).  Warren Quigley. When the Forest Moves. < > : Toronto Sculpture Garden
Woodcock, Laurel (2008).  Wish you were here³. <> : Laurel Woodcock webpage
Beauchemin, Philippe (2008).  Pierre Leblanc ''Tête de caboche''. <>Nouvelles Hochela-Maisonneuve. (12 décembre)
Gassendie, Jocelyn (2008).  Le maire Labonté inaugure le Mozus. 24 heures. (21 août)
Joanny-Furtin, Michel (2008).  Mozus au Parc de la Paix!. Le Ville-Marie. (22 août)
Joanny-Furtin, Michel (2008).  Mozus. De l'art public au parc de la Paix. Le Ville-Marie. (29 août), p. 9-10
Tremblay, Régis (2008).  Le pissenlit géant de Bill Vincent. Le Soleil. (6 juillet)
Whysall, Steve (2008).  Eco-artist creates installations from nature. <>The Vancouver Sun. (August 20) : Vancouver Sun