Recherche dans les œuvres: Panneau-réclame

Inhabited by a spirit....

Michael Fernandes, Inhabited by a spirit...., 1991Michael Fernandes, Inhabited by a spirit...., 1991. © Otto Buj
Image photographique dans un panneau-réclame [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Fernandes, Michael
Installation year: 

It Is Difficult

Alfredo Jaar, It Is Difficult, 1997
Intervention dans un panneau publicitaire [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Jaar, Alfredo
Installation year: 


Jamelie Hassan, Linkage, 1993
Photographie placée dans un panneau-réclame [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Hassan, Jamelie
Installation year: 

Love Stories

Henry Tsang, Love Stories, 1992Henry Tsang, Love Stories, 1992Henry Tsang, Love Stories, 1992
Affiche sur panneau publicitaire installée au terminus d’amphibus [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Tsang, Henry
Installation year: 

Mask of Culture

Dianne Cacchioni, Mask of Culture, 1992
Image photographique placée dans un panneau publicitaire [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Cacchioni, Dianne
Installation year: 

Native to the Americas

Ron Benner, Native to the Americas, 1991Ron Benner, Native to the Americas, 1991Ron Benner, Native to the Americas, 1991
Image photographique dans un panneau-réclame [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Benner, Ron
Installation year: 

Over My Dead Body

Mona Hatoum, Over My Dead Body, 1988
Installation photographique dans un édifice [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Hatoum, Mona
Installation year: 

Presence and Resistance

Edgar Heap of Birds, Presence and Resistance, 2006Edgar Heap of Birds, Presence and Resistance, 2006
Installation d'art public / panneaux d'affichage et l'affichage public des textes [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Heap of Birds, Edgar
Installation year: 


Janice Gurney, RECOGNITION, 1989
Image photographique placée dans un panneau publicitaire [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Gurney, Janice
Installation year: 

Remembering in America

Edgar Heap of Birds, Remembering in America, 2006
Affiche dans un panneau-réclame [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Heap of Birds, Edgar
Installation year: 

Sans titre

Melinda Mollineaux, Sans Titre, 1992
Image photographique placée dans un panneau publicitaire [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Mollineaux, Melinda
Installation year: 

Sans titre

Shani Mootoo, Sans titre, 1992
Image photographique placée dans un panneau publicitaire [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Mootoo, Shani
Installation year: