Œuvre d'art public

Remembering in America

Edgar Heap of Birds, Remembering in America, 2006
Coin des rues Ellice et Smith , Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Heap of Birds, Edgar
Text author(s): 
Jefferson, Thomas
Installation year: 

Affiche dans un panneau-réclame

Text of the artwork: 

Excerpt from : The Declaration of Independance.

United States of America, July 4, 1776.

We hold these truths to be self evident.

Insurrections have endeavored to bring on the merciless Indian Savages whose rule of warfare is a

destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

All men are created equal they are endowed with undeniable rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of



Remembering in America HOCK E AYE VI EDGAR HEAP OF BIRDS 2006.

Text theme: 
Droit de la personne, liberté
Artwork theme: 
Injustice envers les autochtones d’Amérique, colonialisme, histoire
Événement : Edgar Heap of Birds, Remembering in America, organisé par l’Urban Shaman Gallery, Winnipeg, MB. Date: 22 mai -19 juin 2006 (billboard); 18 mai - 24 juin 2006 (exposition globale).
Event date(s): 

Getting the Word Out (All My Relations)

Stevens, Laura (2006).  Getting the Word Out (All My Relations). Windspeaker. vol. 24, no. 3, p. ss14