Public Artwork
Les mots nous regardent. J’avance en poésie comme un cheval de trait.
École Saint-Jean-Baptiste, 2580 de l'Église Street, Val-David, QC, Canada
See map: Google Maps
Artwork creator(s):
Leblanc, Pierre
Text author(s):
Miron, Gaston
Installation year:
Remarks on location:
The work is located in the schoolyard
Six sculptures sit atop long stems. The sculptures represent a canoe, a horse, an armchair, a leaf, a house and a plane. Fragments from Gaston Miron's L’Homme rapaillé are engraved in stone at the foot of each stem. A word excerpt from a poem is written on each bench.
Text of the artwork:
At the foot of the house:
Les maisons voyagent chacune pour soi
At the foot of the canoe:
Je sais, c’est la Nord de mon enfance
At the foot of the horse:
J’avance en poésie comme un cheval de trait
At the foot of the plane:
Il s’avance en moi avec le goût du fils et des outils
At the foot of the leaf:
Au cœur des feuilles l’idée de l’arbre
At the foot of the chair:
Je commence à ressembler aux meubles
Text theme:
L’Homme rapaillé by Gaston Miron
Artwork theme:
Poetry Text reference:
Artist's biography:
Pierre Leblanc
Author's biography:
Gaston Miron
Commission scolaire des Laurentides; École Saint-Jean-Baptiste
Vermette, Laurent Document(s):