Œuvre d'art public

Aids Memorial

 Bruce Wilson, Aids Memorial, 2004.© Marc André Brouillette
 Bruce Wilson, Aids Memorial, 2004.© Marc André Brouillette
 Bruce Wilson, Aids Memorial, 2004.© Marc André Brouillette
 Bruce Wilson, Aids Memorial, 2004.© Marc André Brouillette
Sunset Beach, Broughton Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Wilson, Bruce
Text author(s): 
Santayana, George
Installation year: 

Mur courbé en forme de ruban. Sur le mur, on peut voir les noms de victime de sida. Dans le haut, on retrouve un poème.

Text of the artwork: 

With you a part of me hath passed away

For in the peopled forest of my mind

A tree made leafless by this wintry wind

Shall never don again its green array.

Chapel and fireside, country road and bay,

Have something of their friendliness resigned;

Another, if I would, I could not find,

And I am grown much older in a day.

But yet I treasure in my memory

Your gift of charity, your mellow ease,

And the dear honour of your amity;

For these once mine, my life is rich with these.

And I scarce know which part may greater be,--

What I keep of you, or you rob of me.

“But the energy that is me will not be lost” Dr Peter


Nom de victime du sida

Text theme: 
La présence ou l'absence ressentie par ceux qui ont perdu des êtres chers
Artwork theme: 



Les noms sont placés au hasard sur le Monument représentant la nature aléatoire de l'impact du VIH / SIDA.


Le poème s'intitule W.P. en hommage à Warwick Potter, un ami mort dans un accident de bateau en 1893


Vancouver Aids Memorial

Vancouver_AIDS_Memorial_Society (2001).  Vancouver Aids Memorial. <http://www.aidsmemorial.info/home> : Vancouver AIDS Memorial Society

Public Art in Vancouver. Angels Among Lions

Steil, John, Aileen Stalker (2009).  Public Art in Vancouver. Angels Among Lions. Vancouver : TouchWood Editions, p. 176