Œuvre d'art public

Catching Neutrinos

Darci Mallon, Catching Neutrinos, 2005
Darci Mallon, Catching Neutrinos, 2005
Darci Mallon, Catching Neutrinos, 2005
Edmonton Journal Gardens , Edmonton, AB, Canada
Alternate title: 
The Edmonton Journal Sculpture
Artwork creator(s): 
Mallon, Darci
Text author(s): 
Mallon, Darci
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

Coin nord-ouest du Sir Winston Churchill Square

Text of the artwork: 

Il s'agit d'un cône en granit massif. Le cône souligne les titres historiques de l'Edmonton Journal au cours des 100 dernières années.

Text theme: 
Titres de la une du journal, parus au cours des 100 dernières années
Œuvre réalisée dans le cadre du projet intitulé Edmonton Journal Narrative Gardens Sculptural



« The three-dimensional design of my sculpture refers to the cylindrical form evident in almost every aspect of the printing process: the myriad rollers in the printing presses, the curled lead linotypes, the towering paper rolls. The form is vertical and conical referring to both the garden trees and the city poster pillars used to announce events. The medium is green granite, making reference to the pulp and paper industry, which uses granite as the supporting core for the enormous paper rolls. Authentic Journal headlines from the last 100 years, embossed like the first elevator doors of the Journal Building spiral up and around the granite. In my original design, the headlines would emphasize our response to events in the world; exhilaration, horror, pride, insight. In the process of production, the Journal decided to dedicate the headlines to notable events specific to the history of the city. » - Darci Mallon, June 23, 2004


The Places (2007). Catching Neutrinos

Ville d'Edmonton