Œuvre d'art public
Artwork creator(s):
Besant, Derek
Text author(s):
Besant, Derek
Installation year:
1996 Description:
Sur des parois de verre, on retrouve des textes et des fragments d'images. D'un côté, on retrouve les pensées des femmes et de l'autre, celles des hommes.
Text theme:
Pensées des hommes et des femmes
Artwork theme:
Le rêve
24m Note(s):
« One side represented the thoughts of a woman, while the other was the thoughts of a man. In the early morning light, office people who worked in either of the buildings the walkways was between, walked through the shadows of words from the woman cast by sunrise. At 5 PM the people exiting work via the walkway, walked through the text of the man in low evening sunset. »
Conversation avec l'artiste, 4 septembre 2009
Artist's biography:
Derek Besant
Ville de Calgary