Œuvre d'art public

Our Land - Our Future

Vilem Zach, Our Land - Our Future, 1986
Vilem Zach, Our Land - Our Future, 1986
Calgary Stampede Agriculture Building , 1800 Stampede Trail, Calgary, AB, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Zach, Vilem
Text author(s): 
Zach, Vilem
Installation year: 

Sculpture d'un homme et d'une femme représentant des cultivateurs.

Text of the artwork: 

With hope and apprehension they
survey their new land,
brought from afar by its lure.
We depend on the farm familly’s stewardship
of our most precious renewable resource.

Artwork theme: 
La terre, la famille
Il existe 24 répliques de cette sculpture. Commanditée par la Banque de Montréal pour célébrer le 100e anniversaire de la BMO.
Ville de Calgary

Our Land- Our Future- The Alberta Farm Family

Dogg, Rob (2007).  Our Land- Our Future- The Alberta Farm Family. <http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM20QC> : Waymarking