Œuvre d'art public
Artwork creator(s):
Belanger, Lance; Mykka, Kitty
Text author(s):
Belanger, Lance; Mykka, Kitty
Installation year:
2003 Text of the artwork:
[ producing a re-conciliation between ... ] opposite notions and/or incompatible elements thought and action movement and position human nature and natural environment exploitation and consciousness indigenous and imposed finding a pathway through dualities walking a fine line [ producing a re-conciliation between ... ]
Text theme:
Dichotomie de la nature et de la culture
Artwork theme:
Géologie et géographie locales, temps, histoire, territoire, dualité
Exposition «Shore/lines: responding to place», Barrie, ON, 1 mai-30 oct 2003 (coordinatrice: Mary Reid) Dimensions:
100m Note(s):
Commanditée par la Ville de Barrie, Ontario, par l'entremise de la Galerie d'Art McLaren dans le cadre de leur «City of Art project».