Œuvre d'art public


John Dickson, SOS, 2001
Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston, 55 rue Ontario, Kingston, ON, K7L 2Y2, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Dickson, John
Text author(s): 
Dickson, John
Installation year: 

Mécanisme installé au fond du port qui fait monter des bulles d’air à la surface de l’eau à toutes les 22 secondes. Les bulles épellent le mot SOS.

Text of the artwork: 


Text theme: 
Cri de secours
Artwork theme: 
Eau, pollution, crise écologique in situ (du lac Ontario), histoire nautique de naufrages à Kingston
Exposition «Museopathy», Kingston, 23 juin-9 sep 2001. (organisée par l’Agnes Etherington Art Centre. Commissaires: Jim Drobnick et Jennifer Fisher ).
Event date(s): 



Museopathy explored the implications of museological affect – how museums feel and subtly influence visitors. The auratic features of museums –their particular moods, presences and ambiances – were highlighted, intensified or counteracted in order to examine meanings that may have been lost due to the exigencies of conveying persuasive, singular narratives. Our impetus was to foreground the great diversity of relational experiences within a civic exhibitionary complex rather than a pure aesthetic gaze upon discrete, autonomous objects. This emphasis on immersed beholding requires the apprehension of the overall reality of the display context, one that goes beyond reading an exhibition as if it were a linear text. Museopathy thus focused on the types of affective interactions that take place in museums, such as between audiences and objects, between objects and collections, and among the varied exhibition contexts of the city of Kingston as a whole.


Source:   Drobnick, Jim; Jennifer Fisher (2002). Museopathy, Kingston: Agnes Etherington Art Centre



Allen, Jan (2002).  Museopathy. Kingston : Agnes Etherington Art Centre (Queen’s University) , p. 110

Spotlight: John Dickson: the fluidity of art and life

MacMillan, Laurel (2002).  Spotlight: John Dickson: the fluidity of art and life. Canadian Art. vol. 19, p. 34-37