Œuvre d'art public

Time Keepers

Elizabeth Roy, Time Keepers, 2001
Elizabeth Roy, Time Keepers, 2001
Elizabeth Roy, Time Keepers, 2001
Elizabeth Roy, Time Keepers, 2001. © City of Vancouver
Jack Loucks Plaza, 150 West 1street , Vancouver Nord, BC, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Roy, Elizabeth
Text author(s): 
Résidents locaux
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

Divers emplacements sur le grand escalier donnant sur la cour


Sept figures représentant les résidents locaux occupent différents points sur le grand escalier. Chaque figure comprend des citations tirées directement de l'individu représenté par la silhouette.

Text of the artwork: 

[figure 1/7]

Issues of bullying and violence were there when I was a kid. What’s the big deal. Right. Well the big deal is that we are starting to see the long term effects of these kinds of behaviours. But you know we try to make it as safe as possible.

Text theme: 
Pensées de résidents locaux
Artwork theme: 

Résidents locaux

Ville de Vancouver Nord

Public Art. North Vancouver Public Art Inventory. Time Keepers

North_Vancouver (2009).  Public Art. North Vancouver Public Art Inventory. Time Keepers. <http://www.artsoffice.ca/public_art/collection/public_art26.php?title=26> : City of North Vancouver Office of Cultural Affairs