Œuvre d'art public

Will Is Was

Carl Skelton, Will Is Was, 2002
Art Gallery of Hamilton, 123 rue King West, Hamilton, ON, L8P 4S8, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Skelton, Carl
Text author(s): 
Skelton, Carl
Installation year: 

L'oeuvre est une projection en plein air, installée au Musée des Beaux-arts de Hamilton. Chaque semaine, la projection change.

Text of the artwork: 

We had to start somewhere

Exposition à l’Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, ON, été 2002. (commissaire: Shirley Madill).

Will Is Was

Skelton, Carl (2003).  Will Is Was. C Magazine. no. 77 (Spring) , p. 2-3

Carl Skelton : Will Is Was

Hunter, Andrew, Thomas McEvilley, Jessica Wyman (2002).  Carl Skelton : Will Is Was. Hamilton : Art Gallery of Hamilton