Artwork identification
Trois plaques en acier incrustées dans le trottoir
That mirror world is dark know
The men laid down their tools
And took the mantrip
To the surface, home
In the quiet,
Hear the mountain sigh.
Once it shook with blasting
Screech of train and whistles
The coal was iridescent blue
Headlights on a curved track
Burst like shooting stars
Out the deep.
Look down,
There’s a world below,
Dug out and timber-framed,
Mapped and named.
Its tunnels stretch for miles
Under the mountain.
La Ville, La poésie
Katherine Govier’s prose, Underground, asks us to look down instead of up, to consider what is under the ground, --coal, water, tunnels, tracks. It will remind everyone, whether they are new to Canmore or have a long history here, of what has gone on before, what is under the surface, and what is invisible.