
“The Girl from Nowhere, The Zero”: Gender Neutrality, Identity, Corporeality, and Language in Justin Cronin’s The Passage

Thursday 27 April 2017


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«Vampirism always never implies something which goes above and beyond the eminent world. The immortality inherent to the figure of the vampire places the creature in a in-between realm, since they live both in and outside society.

This liminal status therefore creates a neutral space, making the vampire a potent figuration of the concept of neutrality. In the same vein, the figure of the vampire challenges ideals of identity, especially in terms of gender and sexuality.»


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Referenced author(s) and artist(s):
To cite this document:
Levesque, Marie. 2017. ““The Girl from Nowhere, The Zero”: Gender Neutrality, Identity, Corporeality, and Language in Justin Cronin’s The Passage”. Within Figures de l’immortel(le). Symposium hosted by Revue Post-Scriptum. Montréal, Université de Montréal, 27 avril 2017. Document vidéo. Available online: l’Observatoire de l’imaginaire contemporain. <>. Accessed on May 1, 2023.
Research Areas:
Figures and Imaginary: