
Undead and Undying: the Eternal Among Us

Vendredi 28 Avril 2017


Présentation de la communication

«Nothing we do, think or feel and transmit in our publications is for naught. 

Ours, however, is a satisfaction that, more often than not, will come at a latter date. We must carry proudly our standard of the immortal, of the undead, knowing that our craft, which is our vehicle for our ideas and contributions to this life, is far from an eerie, insubstantial nuage à être pelleté

Our figure of the immortal, of the undead, is indeed the ghost of everything that is or was alive. Stand out and be counted it must, because right now boys and girls, there are an awful lot of zombies we need to fight.»


Archive audio de la communication

Pour citer ce document:
Laperrière, Maureen-Claude. 2017. « Undead and Undying: the Eternal Among Us ». Dans le cadre de Figures de l’immortel(le). Colloque organisé par Revue Post-Scriptum. Montréal, Université de Montréal, 28 avril 2017. Document vidéo. En ligne sur le site de l’Observatoire de l’imaginaire contemporain. <>. Consulté le 1 mai 2023.
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