
Co-creation and collaboration in the public art work of "Narratives in Space + Time"

Vendredi 29 Avril 2016


Breault, Simon. 2016.

M. E. Luka lors de sa communication.

Présentation de la communication

As a member of a tightly-knit artist group that presents & documents narrative-based public art walks & through digital mapping, I recognize the complex nature of the concept of collaboration, and its reliance on related concepts such as “co-creation”, “narrowcast audiences” and “creative citizenship”.

We aim to facilitate co-creation of meaningful content with other artists & the public, resisting scripting these collaborations.

What works? What doesn’t? How do we know?

Pour plus d'informations, consultez le site du colloque LINCS/ALN 2016.

Auteurs et artistes référencés:
Pour citer ce document:
Luka, Mary Elizabeth. 2016. « Co-creation and collaboration in the public art work of "Narratives in Space + Time" ». Dans le cadre de Narrations contemporaines: écrans, médias et documents/ Contemporary Narratives: Screens, Media and Documents. Colloque organisé par Leverhulme International Network for Contemporary Studies/ Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les arts et la littérature numériques. Montréal, Université du Québec à Montréal, 29 avril 2016. Document audio. En ligne sur le site de l’Observatoire de l’imaginaire contemporain. <>. Consulté le 1 mai 2023.
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