Collège Ahuntsic

Heresies on film: the religious dimension of the cult film phenomenon

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At first glance, it would appear that the cult film phenomenon has at least something to do with religion, if only for the word cult itself. But scholars have not always been keen to admit that there is, in fact, a religious dimension to be found in that phenomenon. My objective, today, will be to engage in this debate. I will first try to shed some light on what the expression “cult films” means. This inquiry will not be as simple as it might seem, because the expression has been overloaded with significations over the years. Given this multiplicity, our first task will be to brush away the most problematic use of those terms. Only then will we be able to envision the phenomenon’s possible ties to religion.


Cet article a d'abord été présenté dans le cadre du débat Sécularités et Vitalités Religieuses, en juillet 2007.

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Pour citer ce document:
St-Germain, Philippe. 2007. « Heresies on film: the religious dimension of the cult film phenomenon ». En ligne sur le site de l’Observatoire de l’imaginaire contemporain. <>. Consulté le 1 mai 2023. Publication originale : (Sécularités et Vitalités Religieuses . 2007. (juillet 2007).
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