Public Artwork

Counting Crows

Evelyn Grant, Counting Crows, 2001
Evelyn Grant, Counting Crows, 2001
Evelyn Grant, Counting Crows, 2001
4th Street Southwest and 13th Avenue, Calgary, AB, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Grant, Evelyn
Text author(s): 
Grant, Evelyn
Installation year: 

Several crows sit on a weather vane. A circle with a poem is installed under the structure.

Text of the artwork: 

Counting Crows. Evelyn Crant 2001. Bart Haber Miller. Twelve is for joy tomorrow. Eleven is for love. Ten is for sorrow. Nine is a secret. Eight is for grief. Seven is a journey. Six is a Thief. Five is for riches. Four is a birth. Three is a wedding. Two is for mirth news. One is for bad.

Artwork theme: 

Counting Crows is based on a traditional English rhyme, which was used to predict one's fortune according to the number of crows seen. The rhyme is presented in circular fashion, printed on the inlaid tile at the base of the piece. Pictorial symbols are also represented to enhance the piece: mirth (the sun, with the logo of the Coney island amusement park), happiness (the eight of hearts), gaiety (the nine of clubs), a new moon (new beginnings), and of course, the pointing fingers counting the crows.

City of Calgary