The original image posted on the AA Bronson Web site was part of the Imagevirus series, a project that was published in various art publications. A photograph representing the international poster cam
Artwork creator(s):
General Idea (Felix Partz, Jorge Zontal and AA Bronson)
Twelve granite benches installed along Saint-Laurent Blvd. Portuguese and French literary quotes are engraved onto them. Each bench is decorated with ceramics created by four Montreal artists of Portu
Artwork creator(s):
Lima, Joe; Branco, Joseph; Rebelo, Miguel; Calado, Carlos
This work features a photograph Hassan took on her first visit to Baghdad, Iraq, in the late 1970s, when she studied Arabic at the University of Mustansyria. The photo shows the colourfully tiled dome
Bridge, Abridged consists of several components which focus attention on the cutting-edge engineering and materials used in the pedestrian overpass structure. Adam Kuby integrates words and manipulate
Placed in bus shelter advertising cases in downtown Ottawa, the posters reflect the optimism sported in government-issued survival manuals on nuclear war.