Public Artwork
Passe-moi un sapin Rita
Rita’s contribution to the Reford Gardens' International Garden Festival is their zany take on reforestation, with the installation of a large scale ‘pine tree air freshener’ in a natural setting. This classic commodity was the inspiration for Rita in the creation of their garden. It was chosen for its simple form, as well as for being a highly recognizable cliché in popular culture.
Planter un arbre.
symbole d'une
volonté commune
de réparer les
dommages causés
par la présence de
l'Homme dans la
Planter un arbre.
un geste à l'échelle
humaine qui
permet à l'individu
d'embellir son
Planter un arbre.
pour offrir un
habitat à la faune
qui l'entoure
Planter un arbre.
parce que c'est
Planter un arbre.
parce que ça sent
Rita is a trio of young Montréal designers (Stéphane Rita Halmaï-Voisard, Francis Rita Rollin and Karine Rita Corbeil) who have created a magical forest. Rather than dangling from a car mirror, 100 “little trees” will be rearranged by visitors on a large plot of land – allowing the forest to be transplanted every day. Rita has taken this recognizable cliché of modern automotive culture and transformed its use to create a green and amusing garden – a giant playground or terrain de jeu géant.