Public Artwork

Symbols of the Cuneiforms

Patricia & Lionel Thomas, F. Lachnit, Symbols of the Cuneiforms, 1960
Patricia & Lionel Thomas, F. Lachnit, Symbols of the Cuneiforms, 1960
Patricia & Lionel Thomas, F. Lachnit, Symbols of the Cuneiforms, 1960
Formerly the Vancouver Public Library, 750 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Thomas, Lionel; Thomas, Patricia; Lachnit, F.
Text author(s): 
Thomas, Lionel; Thomas, Patricia; Lachnit, F.
Installation year: 

This artwork is a delicate metal bas-relief with plexiglas inserts. The white sections light up at night.

Text of the artwork: 

Cuneiform writing

Text theme: 
Cuneiform writing was developed in Mesopotamia
Artwork theme: 



The piece was saved during the conversion of the old library in the mid-1990s.

City of Vancouver

Public Art in Vancouver. Angels Among Lions

Steil, John, Aileen Stalker (2009).  Public Art in Vancouver. Angels Among Lions. Vancouver : TouchWood Editions, p. 176