Works of art in which images and forms are produced in relief, in intaglio, or in the round. It refers especially to those objects that retain the quality of being tangible objects or groups of objects. It refers particularly to art works created by carving or engraving a hard material, by molding or casting a malleable material, or by assembling parts to create a three-dimensional object. It is typically used to refer to large or medium-sized objects made of stone, wood, bronze, or another metal.
Each of six twelve-meter high, bronze I-beam towers hold an image cut into a metal plate that illustrate the history of the area. The plates cast the shadow of the image onto the street. Texts etched
Artwork creator(s):
Miller, Bernie; Tregebov, Alan
Aluminum letters spelling out phrases in Chinook (an early coastal trading language) and English are placed along the railing of the sea wall, in two parallel lines. Coloured light pulses through an i
Artwork creator(s):
Tsang, Henry
Installation and intervention ,
Sculpture ,
Gift ,
A series of connecting high and low pools, with a waterfall made of overlapping black slate. A large glacial boulder sits in the upper pool and an identical cast bronze replica sits in the lower pool.
Artwork creator(s):
Boyle, Gwen
Two sculptural elements are installed along the False Creek shoreline, between the Burrard and Granville bridges, and below the pump station: a circle of stones and a concrete ring resting on columns.
Artwork creator(s):
Vaughan, Don
Sixteen in-ground markers and four above-ground markers are installed along the paths of four historical streams that once existed in Kitsilano. Each of the in-ground markers has the words LOST STREAM
Artwork creator(s):
Penner Bancroft, Marion
Words on the roof of a building
Artwork creator(s):
Roy, Elizabeth
Along the seawall, a rough yet elegant waterfall made of black rundle stone is installed; the stacked, linear, irregular stone edges are abstractions of geological layers. Standing on top of the water
Artwork creator(s):
Metz, Jacqueline; Chew, Nancy
The work addresses the history of Coal Harbour and is comprised of four parts. 1) Three bronze rings (8' diameter) and one bronze half-ring (15' in diameter) are cast into the paving stones that
Artwork creator(s):
Senft, Douglas
Artwork creator(s):
Davis, Brett
A form reminiscent of a dyke remnant rests on the grassy plane. On one side, deposits of text and images are left on the wall, almost like watermarks from the recession of high water held back by the
Artwork creator(s):
Anholt, Jill