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General name for a sedimentary rock existing in many varieties, consisting primarily of calcite or dolomite.

Les sept étapes de la médecine

André Garant, Les sept étapes de la médecine, 1957André Garant, Les sept étapes de la médecine, 1957André Garant, Les sept étapes de la médecine, 1957
The mosaic represents the evolution of medicine, from the origins to modern times, as an extension of its pursuit and application in hospitals, with reference to the theoretical and practical activiti [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Garant, André
Installation year: 

Circle of Words, Garden of Thought

Linda Covit, Circle of Words, Garden of Thought, 2002Linda Covit, Circle of Words, Garden of Thought, 2002. © Marc André BrouilletteLinda Covit, Circle of Words, Garden of Thought, 2002. © Marc André BrouilletteLinda Covit, Circle of Words, Garden of Thought, 2002. © Marc André Brouillette
The main component, a wide stone bench, traces a sixty-foot-long arc. The circular movement is reinforced by a stand of light columns and an arc of birch trees along the outside curve of the bench. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Covit, Linda
Installation year: 
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