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Jean-Pierre Morin, Origines, 1998
Two sculptures indicate the entrance way to the hospital's day center. They are installed asymmetrically on the railings of the bridge connecting the street to the building's main entrance. Each [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Morin, Jean-Pierre
Installation year: 


Lisette Lemieux, Le mur archive, 1992Lisette Lemieux, Le mur archive, 1992Lisette Lemieux, Le mur archive, 1992
The artwork is embedded into the window of an ancient wall. The work is a transcription of the founding text of the Grey Nuns religious order. The text is written on engraved brass sheets and inserted [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Lemieux, Lisette
Installation year: 

Rosace, feuille d’acanthe, colonnes, tête d’enfant, une histoire, un lieu

Pierre Leblanc, Rosace, feuille d’acanthe, colonnes, tête d’enfant, une histoirePierre Leblanc, Rosace, feuille d’acanthe, colonnes, tête d’enfant, une histoirePierre Leblanc, Rosace, feuille d’acanthe, colonnes, tête d’enfant, une histoirePierre Leblanc, Rosace, feuille d’acanthe, colonnes, tête d’enfant, une histoire
Sculptural grouping of columns and benches. An acanthus leaf, a church façade and a child's head appear on the columns. The text is written on the benches. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Leblanc, Pierre
Installation year: 

Saint-Jean l’Évangéliste

Charles Sucsan, Saint-Jean l'Évangéliste, 1969. © Lise Demers
Mural etched in fresh mortar. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Sucsan, Charles
Installation year: 


Jean-Pierre Gaudreau, Silence-sieste-sommeil-songe-renaissance, 1994Jean-Pierre Gaudreau, Silence-sieste-sommeil-songe-renaissance, 1994
The work consists of a modular painting on glass. The central element of the composition is the bed. Three orange beds are shown against a blue sky: the first is near a crescent moon, while [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Gaudreau, Jean-Pierre
Installation year: 


The artwork consists of a triptych. The first painting shows an embossed moon, linked to a text by Marcel Proust. The second painting shows water lilies. The last one represents a domestic scene. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Béliveau, Paul
Installation year: 

Voyages des quatre saisons d’un homme millénaire (Progeria Longaevus)

Richard Purdy, Voyages des quatre saisons d’un homme millénaire, 1994Richard Purdy, Voyages des quatre saisons d’un homme millénaire, 1994Richard Purdy, Voyages des quatre saisons d’un homme millénaire, 1994
The sculpture consists of a drawing depicting the life of a one thousand year-old man,  born in Venice in 992. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Purdy, Richard
Installation year: