Œuvre d'art public
Vers tissés serré
Created by assembling hundreds of glass jars, the installation Vers tissés serré sends visitors on a poetic journey through Montreal, with help from words by Gaston Miron, Pierre Nepveu, Jacques Brault, Claude Beausoleil, Hélène Monette, Stéphane D’Amours, Paul Chamberland, Fulvio Caccia, Michel Beaulieu, Nicole Brossard, France Théoret and Danny Plourde. Each element distinguishes itself through the poetry it displays.
Montréal tu me perds Montréal c'est bien toi
dans ces rues dénudées dans des blocs de verre
ces images et des livres te contant des histoires
les faux sans fond d'une ruelle où nul ne va
plus loin c'est encore toi plus avant dans le vide
tu bâtis pauvre ville pauvre enfance infinie
Urban density. The city.
From May 18 to October 31, 2010, in the entrance hall of the Grande Bibliothèque, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) will be hosting the exhibition Architectures en vers, which consists of five architectural installations inspired by poetry. These installations were created by collectives of well-known and up-and-coming architects working with glass artists. The exhibition is presented as part of the “Montréal, 2010 City of Glass” program, under the direction of the Board of Montreal Museum Directors.
The Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux Team (architects) is concerned with the issue of urban density. The city, when it shows true density, is a viable alternative to urban sprawl and can be perceived from the perspective of sustainable development.