Artworks list of Hébert, Anne

Rêver le nouveau monde

Michel Goulet, Rêver le nouveau monde, 2008Michel Goulet, Rêver le nouveau monde, 2008Michel Goulet, Rêver le nouveau monde, 2008Michel Goulet, Rêver le nouveau monde, 2008
The artwork is formed by a total of forty-four stainless steel chairs. The House-Chair and the World-Chair are strategically placed at the front of the work, welcoming passersby. On th [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Goulet, Michel
Installation year: 

[Windows - Théâtre Espace GO]

Windows Théâtre Espace GO. © Marie-Claude LangevinWindows Théâtre Espace GO. © Marie-Claude LangevinWindows Théâtre Espace GO. © Marie-Claude Langevin
Literary quotes are etched on the bay window of the theater's façade. Twelve rectangular window panes are mounted next to each other, repeating the same quotes. The text is written grayish letters. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Compagnie Espace Go; Gauthier, Éric