Artworks list of Jurakic, Ivan


Ivan Jurakic, Spell, 2004
Spell marks the shared entrance to the Grimsby Public Library and Art Gallery with a selection of one-of-a-kind magnetic poetry, featuring a text that was digitally processed from the handwriting of t [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Jurakic, Ivan
Installation year: 


Ivan Jurakic, Passages, 2005 Ivan Jurakic, Passages, 2005 Ivan Jurakic, Passages, 2005
Passages translates "Never work", a slogan attributed to the Situationist International, into 18 different languages. Original handwritten translations were solicited [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Jurakic, Ivan
Installation year: 

Double Word Score

Ivan Jurakic, Double Word Score, 2005Ivan Jurakic, Double Word Score, 2005.
Double Word Score features a set of seven engraved granite paving stones that spell RISE and IRIS. The shape, font and scoring reference Scrabble tiles. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Jurakic, Ivan
Installation year: