Artworks list of Garnet, Eldon


Eldon Garnet,Turning, 2004Eldon Garnet,Turning, 2004
TURNING is a tower which appears to be slightly out of balance, slightly askew, leaning. Text flows around three poles, gracefully spiraling upward as the tower ascends from the ground in three dire [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Garnet, Eldon
Installation year: 

Time: and a Clock

Eldon Garnet, Time : and a Clock, 2004. © Marc André BrouilletteEldon Garnet, Time : and a Clock, 2004. © Marc André BrouilletteEldon Garnet, Time : and a Clock, 2004. © Marc André BrouilletteEldon Garnet, Time : and a Clock, 2004. © Marc André Brouillette
It is the essence of time, its substance and ambiguity, that is examined in this sculpture/installation. This is one work in three sites. It encircles the Queen/Broadview area with text. Three diffe [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Garnet, Eldon
Installation year: