Artworks located in Gravenhurst

Them Us Now

Deeter Hastenteufel, Them Us Now, 2000
This artwork consists of three parts: a pile of stones, a pyramid and a boat made of wooden sticks. The words "Us" is located inside the pyramid, "Now" appears on a bed of rocks at the bottom of the [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Hastenteufel, Deeter
Installation year: 

Living Signs

Kate Wilson, Living Signs, 2007
Signs hung on trees [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Wilson, Kate
Installation year: 


Deeter Hastenteufel,  Adeona/Abeona, 2000
Artwork creator(s): 
Hastenteufel, Deeter
Installation year: 

Relic of Memory I and II

Anne O’Callaghan, Relic of Memory,1998Anne O’Callaghan, Relic of Memory,1998
In Relic of Memory, domestic and architectural structures fabricated from contemporary industrial materials are introduced into the environment. An eight-foot long steel table squarely placed in a mos [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
O’Callaghan, Anne
Installation year: 


Lyla Rye, Locus, 2002Lyla Rye, Locus, 2002Lyla Rye, Locus, 2002. © Lyla Rye
The juniper bush is a symbol of rejuvenation in fairy tales. Walking around, one can read the handwritten text cut into a black rubber ring encircling a juniper bush. The text is based upon a conversa [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Rye, Lyla
Installation year: 


Jocelyne Belcourt Salem, Glimmer, 2000Jocelyne Belcourt Salem, Glimmer, 2000
80 stainless steel plates, screwed onto the trees [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Belcourt Salem, Jocelyne
Installation year: