Œuvre d'art public

Building Bridges

Vallalee Hoffman, Building Bridges, 2004
Vallalee Hoffman, Building Bridges, 2004
Vallalee Hoffman, Building Bridges, 2004
Bridgeview Community Hall, 11475 rue 126A, Surrey, BC, V3V 5G8, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Hoffman, Vallalee
Text author(s): 
• Building Bridges» Project Proposal Collaborative • Élèves de l’école primaire de Bridgeview (4e à la 7e année): fabrication de tuiles en céramique (en atelier)• Participants de la communauté de Bridgeview : construction de mosaïques (en atelier) • Howard Hoffman Construction : construction du chemin de béton
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

Située à l’entrée; la murale orne l’extérieur des toilettes adjacentes dans le champ


Chemin de mosaïques et murales

Text of the artwork: 


[bancs du chemin en mosaïque 1/5]


[bancs du chemin en mosaïque 2/5]

Alex Fraser

[murale. Côté 1/4]

Come together
Share our dreams
thankful hands

[murale. Côté 2/4]


[murale. Côté 3/4]

create mosaic

(Possiblement sur le même mur)

hearts and hands

Text theme: 
Histoire et environnement locales; communauté, valeurs communautaires (partage, buts communs, etc)
Artwork theme: 
Rapports entre résidents et voisins de la communauté; environnement et histoire de la communauté; mosaïques : 5 ponts majeurs de la région de Surrey représentant l’industrie; flore et faune indigène de la région (oiseaux, poissons, animaux, fleurs, arbres, insectes et la rivière)

The City of Surrey's Community Art Matching-funds Program (CAMP) and the Bridgeview Community Association partnered with artists Vallalee Hoffman and Claire Cilliers along with the Surrey Environmental Education Centre. Staff and volunteers from BCA and Surrey Environmental Education Centre were present assisting the artists and participants during the creation of the tiles. BCA and SEEC provided information and presentations to participants.


The concept for the mosaic walkway with pillar seating was proposed by Vallalee Hoffman. The original design ideas were fine tuned by the members of the "Building Bridges" Project Proposal Collaborative. Hoffman fabricated the pillar seats and hand-made clay tiles. She was employed from 2003-2004. The project took 1 year from planning to installation. This project provided a focus for the Bridgeview Community Association's 60th Anniversary Celebration in July 2004.


Vallale Hoffman (2008). Public Art Commissions. Bridgeview Project.


Ville de Surrey Public et Community Art Collection

Public & Community Art. A Self-Guided Tour of Public & Community Art in the City of Surrey

Surrey (2008).  Public & Community Art. A Self-Guided Tour of Public & Community Art in the City of Surrey. <http://www.surrey.ca/files/Public_Art_Plan_final_May_29_2012.pdf> : City of Surrey

Public Art Program. Public & Community Art Projects & Locations

Surrey (2008).  Public Art Program. Public & Community Art Projects & Locations. <http://www.surrey.ca/culture-recreation/1650.aspx> : City of Surrey

Public Art Commissions. Bridgeview Project

Hoffman, Vallalee (2008).  Public Art Commissions. Bridgeview Project. <http://www.vallalee-hoffman.com/public_art_page.html> : Vallalee Hoffman webpage