Œuvre d'art public


Lyla Rye, Locus, 2002
Lyla Rye, Locus, 2002
Lyla Rye, Locus, 2002. © Lyla Rye
The Tree Museum, Ryde Lake Road , Gravenhurst, ON, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Rye, Lyla
Text author(s): 
Rye, Lyla
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

Région de Muskoka. Adresse postale à Toronto (1444 Dupont Street, Unite 11A, Toronto, Ontario, M6P 4H3)


Le genévrier est un symbole de rajeunissement dans les contes de fées. On peut lire un texte encerclant un genévrier. Le texte est basé sur une conversation avec un agriculteur local, ainsi que sur des souvenirs personnels de la région.

Text of the artwork: 

Anneau intérieur :

«My grandparents homesteaded that piece of land back over there. I grew up here but moved down to Toronto. I lived there for 25 years and then I came back here.»


Anneau central :

«When I was growing up here I remember the sound of the frogs being so loud. Then they died down to almost nothing. Since DDT has been outlawed for a few years now they've come back again.»


Anneau extérieur :

«The tent caterpillars are bad again this year. Do you remember that year, a good 20 years ago now, when they were so bad? They took out a wide straight swath of forest in their path.»

Artwork theme: 
Pollution et régénération environnementales

Finding the Intimate in Nature, 22 sept-22 oct 2002, 5e exposition annuelle, The Tree Museum, Gravenhurst. Sur les lieux de 2002-2008.


L’artiste associe Locus à l'une de ses vidéos, The Juniper Tree, dans laquelle une femme lit un passage du conte The Juniper Tree» des frères Grimm. The Juniper Tree fut exposé dans le cadre de l’exposition The Tree Museum, au York Quay Gallery, (Harbourfront) à Toronto, en 2002. Informations techniques : projection DVD sur un livre de bois. Durée de la vidéo : 7 min. Dimensions du livre : 15x105x53 cm.


Échange verbal entre l’artiste et un fermier


Tenth Annual Exhibition. September 16 to October 28 2007. What Is Place, Doe Lake

Tree_Museum (2008).  Tenth Annual Exhibition. September 16 to October 28 2007. What Is Place, Doe Lake. Muskoka : The Tree Museum, p. 36

The Tree Museum, Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada

McElroy, Gil (2003).  The Tree Museum, Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada. Sculpture. vol. 22, no. 1 (January - February) , p. 24-25

Metamorphosis and Metaphor: The Re-Enchantment of Nature and Art

Tuer, Dot (2003).  Metamorphosis and Metaphor: The Re-Enchantment of Nature and Art . The Tree Museum: the 5th annual exhibition, Finding the intimate in nature, September 22 to October 22, 2002. The 6th Annual Exhibition, Shelter Inside-Out, September 21 to October 30, 2003. Gravenhurst, p. 4-13

Lyla Rye. Locus

Tree_Museum (2008).  Lyla Rye. Locus. <http://www.thetreemuseum.ca/> : Tree Museum