Œuvre d'art public

What Will You Do?

What Will You Do?, 2007
What Will You Do?, 2007
What Will You Do?, 2007
Simcoe et Queen Ouest, Toronto, ON, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Czegledy, Nina; Judelman, Greg; Hession, Deborah; Barber, Daniel
Text author(s): 
Hession, Deb
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

Site B10 sur la carte de l’événement


Une installation interactive projette sur une affiche la question, Que ferez-vous (pour arrêter les changements climatiques)? Les artistes invitent le public à répondre avec un message SMS. Les réponses s'affichent en quelques secondes dans le cadre d'une visualisation projetée en temps réel.

Text of the artwork: 

[Texte en surface]

WHAT WILL YOU DO? TO STOP CLIMATE CHANGE Finish The Sentence With A Text Message To 416-555-1234 [Texte de fond (liste partielle?)] Eat less meat Read books about it Use the compost Turn the lights off Educate my kids Take the bus Fly less Buy organic food Lose mu air conditioner Get a smaller car Change my job Start a sustainable business Heat my home less in winter Use less water


[Texte sur l’écran à Simcoe et Queen (liste partielle)]

WHAT WILL YOU DO? TO COOL OUR EARTH? RESPOND NOW BY TEXT MESSAGE TO 647-449-9932 --- I will Reduce, Re-use and Recycle. I will dominate the arctic oil fields I will get a household energy audit. I will try to wash my dishes by hand. I will buy a really expensive hybrid car. I will consume less. I will water my lawn less frequently. I will give used clothes to charity instead of throwing them out. I will make sweet love in the environmental faculty. I will make love to mother earth and make new baby ones I will learn to spell properly to that people will respect my environmental ideas. I will not use condoms for they pollute the planet. I will tell omar to turn out his lights. I will use both sides of my toilet paper! I will car pool to work. I will only shower once per week. I will not buy disposable plates and utensils. I will pick up one extra piece of litter a day. I will not move to the suburbs like my stupid friends. I will paint myself green and run naked in the streets. I will replace my old refrigerator. I will eat tofu instead of burgers. I will reuse my plastic fork until I forcibly break it on a steak. I will keep my car tuned up. I will check my car tire pressure regularly. I will bathe every 2 days! I will buy recycled paper products. I will shower in cold water despite shrinkage. I will not eat at hot dog vendors who use styrofoam. I won’t use toilet paper when I go for number 2. I will live like a caveman. I will try to reduce my electricity use. I will plant my own vegetable garden. I will move in with Al Gore. I will eat less cats. I will volunteer to green NGO’s. I will make sure I will turn off my lights when I am not home. I will try to print less at work. I will turn off my lights when I am not using them. I will hug the person next to me when I see this message. I Won’t Drive A Car. Ever. I will overthrow capitalism. I will shut this screen down to save energy. I will buy fresh instead of frozen foods. I will mostly all-natural, biodegradable cleaning products. I will never wash again… I will not over-dry clothes. I will ride my bike more. I will exhale less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. I will show the same respect to the world it has shown me. I will demand to know what’s in my food and where it comes from. I will not participate in balloon abundant activities. I will practice dimming lights in my home. I will buy products with less packaging. We will eat vegetarian. I will take a shower once a month.

Text theme: 
Adoption d’un mode de vie (plus) écologique
Artwork theme: 

Le climat


Du coucher du soleil à 7:03 pm le samedi, 29 septembre, au lever du soleil à 7:14 h le dimanche, le 30 septembre 2007, Toronto a été très animée avec des performances et des installations d'art contemporain ans trois zones à travers la ville .


Événement: Scotiabank Nuit Blanche 2007

Event date(s): 

Green Art

Sandals, Leah (2007).  Green Art. Spacing. no. 10, p. 46