Œuvre d'art public
When The Forest Moves
Toronto Sculpture garden, 115 rue King East, Toronto, ON, M5C 1G6, Canada
See map: Google Maps
Artwork creator(s):
Quigley, Warren
Text author(s):
Shakespeare, William
Installation year:
1995 Description:
L'installation prend la forme d'un sentier où l'on retrouve trois érables et du texte en bronze (histoire dans Macbeth)
Text of the artwork:
ACT 4. SCENE I Third Apparition Be lion-mettled, proud; and take no care Who chafes, who frets, or where conspirers are: Macbeth shall never vanquish'd be until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill Shall come against him. Macbeth That will never be Who can impress the forest, bid the tree Unfix his earth-bound root?
ACT 5. SCENE V Messenger As I did stand my watch upon the hill, I look'd toward Birnam, and anon, methought, The wood began to move.
Text theme:
La chute de Macbeth (personnage principal de la pièce de théâtre Macbeth, par William Shakespeare); pièce de théâtre Macbeth (actes IV, scène I ; acte V, scène V) par William Shakespeare
Artwork theme:
Réchauffement climatique, destruction environnementale, chute de la civilisation moderne
Event date(s):
1995 Dimensions:
Artist's biography:
Warren Quigley
Author's biography:
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Document(s):