Artwork identification
Le Waterwise Demonstration Garden a été conçu pour être alimenté par les pluies naturelles. Un grand panneau en céramique identifie le jardin, et trois signes plus petits communiquent la philosophie derrière ce projet de conservation de l'eau, en encourageant les visiteurs à voir l'eau comme une ressource limitée et précieuse.
The hissing of
summer lawns
Joni Mitchell
John Guerin
agua preciosa
Sto lo
all intertwining
water the source
water our future
two hydrogens and one oxygen
from less and less
land, and less and less
water we can have
more and more
products, more and more
Shimon Peres
It’s those types of rituals
that I think are the sort of myths and legends of life
that I think we’ve lost in our
society. We don’t know how
to ritualize water. We just
turn on the tap and there it comes, but we don’t have
the sense of benediction
for water.
Anita Roddick
All intertwining cont.
people in the villages all
over the world know how
precious water is. The
women who go every day, sometimes twice a
walking miles
with a jar on their head to
collect the water for the
family, ...They know how
precious it is, how much
every drop counts.
Isabel Allende
“The world is not ours. It’s a treasure we hold in
trust for future generations.”
African proverb
a river
“If you run out of water you run out of life”
“...our whole life depends on it so we have the
responsibility to take care of water “
Dalai Lama
polished stones,
a creek
to dust
“If you want to symbolize life, it’s a bowl of
water. It has to do
with everything that is spiritual to humankind.
Isabel Allende
“we’re going to be having lots of conflict
between states where one of the major issues
would be water and who controls the source”
Kofi Annan
La conservation de l'eau et durable des jardins, la responsabilité environnementale
1 panneau 1,21m x 2,43m et 4 panneaux 40,64 cm x 40,64 cm