Kiwi Gardens, Harper Road, RR#7, Perth, ON, K7H 3C9, Canada
Artwork identification
Artwork creator(s):
Widgery, Catherine
Text author(s):
Widgery, Catherine
Installation year:
2006 Description:
Installation en forme de coussin pour dormir. On retrouve le mot «repos» sur le côté.
Text of the artwork:
1. Catherine Widgery Widgery Works, Inc. PO Box 400452, Cambridge, MA 02140 508-237-1660 cell 781-483-4060 home www.widgery.com catwidgery@gmail.com 2. Kiwi Sculpture Garden Project a. Mary Sue Rankin Edward Day Gallery 952 Queen St. W. Toronto On M6j 1g8 Tel: (416) 921-6540 Fax (416) 921-6624 eddaygal.toronto@sympatico.ca b. Kiwi Gardens Harper Road, Rr#7 Perth, Ontario K7h 3c9 Tel: (613) 267-7384 Fax (613) 264-0278 kiwigarden@perth.igs.net Document(s):