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In moderate use, chiefly restricted to occurrences of some importance.

Still Life

Carl Skelton, Still Life, 2006Carl Skelton, Still Life, 2006
Artwork creator(s): 
Skelton, Carl
Installation year: 

Hold That Thought

Kelly Mark, Hold That Thought, 2006Kelly Mark, Hold That Thought, 2006
Site specific installation. Several of the letters were programmed to fail or sputter (flicker on and off) at random intervals [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Mark, Kelly
Installation year: 

All That Has Value

Ron Benner, All That Has Value,1993Ron Benner, All That Has Value,1993
Garden installation: black and white photographs with text [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Benner, Ron
Installation year: 

Used cars

Corinne Carlson, Used cars, 1995Corinne Carlson, Used cars, 1995Corinne Carlson, Used cars, 1995Corinne Carlson, Used cars, 1995
Bright orange words spell out love song lyrics and are suspended above car lots [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Carlson, Corinne
Installation year: 

Them Us Now

Deeter Hastenteufel, Them Us Now, 2000
This artwork consists of three parts: a pile of stones, a pyramid and a boat made of wooden sticks. The words "Us" is located inside the pyramid, "Now" appears on a bed of rocks at the bottom of the [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Hastenteufel, Deeter
Installation year: 


John Dickson, SOS, 2001
A device installed on the bottom of the harbour water shoots air bubbles to the surface every 22 seconds. The bubbles spell the acronym SOS. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Dickson, John
Installation year: 


Lance Belanger & Kitty Mykka, [PRODUCING A RECONCILIATION BETWEEN...], 2003Lance Belanger & Kitty Mykka, [PRODUCING A RECONCILIATION BETWEEN...], 2003Lance Belanger & Kitty Mykka, [PRODUCING A RECONCILIATION BETWEEN...], 2003Lance Belanger & Kitty Mykka, [PRODUCING A RECONCILIATION BETWEEN...], 2003
Lance Belanger and Kitty Mykka have made a deceptively simple piece that divides the path into two branches by laying out a line of stones in the middle. The 'art path' they have created has three sec [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Belanger, Lance; Mykka, Kitty
Installation year: 


Shirley Yanover, Normal, 2003Shirley Yanover, Normal, 2003Shirley Yanover, Normal, 2003Shirley Yanover, Normal, 2003
This exhibition also featured two other parts. New Normal, an acrylic painting,  was hung in the cafeteria. Normal Graduation 23 consisted of twelve oval plastic clocks that were suspended [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Yanover, Shirley

Living Signs

Kate Wilson, Living Signs, 2007
Signs hung on trees [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Wilson, Kate
Installation year: 

Hygiene series

Adrian Göllner,  Hygiene series, 2000Adrian Göllner,  Hygiene series, 2000
Images installed in the bunker's toilets. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Göllner, Adrian
Installation year: 
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