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Any dispersion of a pigment in water, oil, or organic solvent.

Derrière chez nous se dresse un champ au coeur duquel...

Annie Pelletier, Derrière chez nous se dresse un champ au coeur duquel...,2006Annie Pelletier, Derrière chez nous se dresse un champ au coeur duquel...,2006Annie Pelletier, Derrière chez nous se dresse un champ au coeur duquel...,2006Annie Pelletier, Derrière chez nous se dresse un champ au coeur duquel...,2006
Twelve columns are arranged randomly. Text and sculptures of miniature chairs are integrated into them. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Pelletier, Annie
Installation year: 

Mémoire X99-04.25

Raphaëlle de Groot, Mémoire X99-04.25, 1999Raphaëlle de Groot, Mémoire X99-04.25, 1999Raphaëlle de Groot, Mémoire X99-04.25, 1999
Markings on the ground to commemorate the forgotten history of the site of United Canada’s first parliament [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Groot, Raphaëlle de
Installation year: 

Le débarquement de Noé

Jean-Yves Vigneau, Le débarquement de Noé, 2007Jean-Yves Vigneau, Le débarquement de Noé, 2007Jean-Yves Vigneau, Le débarquement de Noé, 2007Jean-Yves Vigneau, Le débarquement de Noé, 2007
The work is divided into two parts:This poetic fable is inspired by one of the greatest myths in the history of the world. The installation was set in a small green square with a tall tree, downtown G [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Vigneau, Jean-Yves
Installation year: 


Rose-Marie E. Goulet, Défilé, 1993. © Rose-Marie E. Goulet Rose-Marie E. Goulet, Défilé, 1993. © Rose-Marie E. Goulet
Located in the alley that children take to enter the schoolyard, this installation draws its formal elements from basic components of knowledge - letters and numbers. Children cross disordered rows of [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Goulet, Rose-Marie E.
Installation year: 


Peter G. Dykhuis, Artifact, 1993
Eight small painted and framed panels, suspended from the branches of a cherry tree. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Dykhuis, Peter G.
Installation year: 

Memory Tables

Gil McElroy, Memory Tables, 1996Gil McElroy, Memory Tables, 1996
Three picnic tables have been modified to be slanted. The text is written on top. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
McElroy, Gil
Installation year: 

Kiosk, 2004-2005

Derek Sullivan, Kiosk, 2005Derek Sullivan, Kiosk, 2005
Artwork creator(s): 
Sullivan, Derek
Installation year: 


Shirley Yanover, Normal, 2003Shirley Yanover, Normal, 2003Shirley Yanover, Normal, 2003Shirley Yanover, Normal, 2003
This exhibition also featured two other parts. New Normal, an acrylic painting,  was hung in the cafeteria. Normal Graduation 23 consisted of twelve oval plastic clocks that were suspended [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Yanover, Shirley

A Walk Through the Universe

Clayton Lowe, A Walk Through the Universe, 2000
A giant mural painted with aerosol on the North wall of the LRT portal [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Lowe, Clayton
Installation year: 

Lest we Forget

Teresa Posyniak, Lest we Forget, 1994Teresa Posyniak, Lest we Forget, 1994Teresa Posyniak, Lest we Forget, 1994
The names of 135 Canadian women murdered since 1989 are written, interspersed with the phrase "lest we forget" throughout the list. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Posyniak, Teresa
Installation year: 
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