Research in artworks: Photograph

Untitled (It)

Barbara Kruger, Untitled (It), 2010. © Marie-Claude LangevinBarbara Kruger, Untitled (It), 2010. © Marie-Claude LangevinBarbara Kruger, Untitled (It), 2010. © Marie-Claude LangevinBarbara Kruger, Untitled (It), 2010. © Marie-Claude Langevin
The artwork consists of a series of found images and statements. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Kruger, Barbara
Installation year: 

Vers tissés serré

L'équipe Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux, Vers Tissés serré, 2010. © Marie-ClL'équipe Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux, Vers Tissés serré, 2010. ©L'équipe Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux, Vers Tissés serré, 2010. © Marie-Cl
Created by assembling hundreds of glass jars, the installation Vers tissés serré sends visitors on a poetic journey through Montreal, with help from words by Gaston Miron, Pierre Nepveu, Jacques Braul [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
The Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux Team
Installation year: 

We Are the World

Mark Lewis, We Are The World, 1988
Photographic image in a bus shelter [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Lewis, Mark
Installation year: 


Justin Wonnacott,  «voice…over»
Computer-assembled photomontages, which blend layers of images and text together using the extended idea of community as the theme. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Wonnacott, Justin