Artworks list of Forget, Normand

Sous l'aile, le vent...

Normand Forget, Sous l'aile le vent, 1997
Pictorial and sculptural installation consisting in three elements: a sculpture in the form of a stylized angel wing, a "wing" made up of ten panels of painted aluminium and a painting on a sheet o [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Forget, Normand
Installation year: 

Des pas sur terre

Normand Forget, Des pas sur terre, 2000Normand Forget, Des pas sur terre, 2000
A planisphere is cast on the ground at the entrance of the school. This map of Earth is coupled with excerpts from the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. A block of letters is embedded in the wall. At [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Forget, Normand
Installation year: 


Normand Forget, Vie-Vent, 1997Normand Forget, Vie-Vent, 1997Normand Forget, Vie-Vent, 1997. © Denis Farley
The work consists of a hanging low relief sculpture and an installation in the floor's surface. The hanging sculpture is a reproduction of a maple tree samara. A plaque shaped like a wild cherry tree [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Forget, Normand
Installation year: 

Mémoire des lieux

Normand Forget, Mémoires des lieux, 1992Normand Forget, Mémoires des lieux, 1992. © Suzanne Joly
Two fake windows and moldings of architectural elements of the 1892 building are installed on the ceiling. Behind this construction, collages of architectural components are intertwined with fragments [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Forget, Normand
Installation year: 

Me voici terre magnifique

Normand Forget, Me voici terre magnifique, 2002. © Marie-Claude LangevinNormand Forget, Me voici terre magnifique, 2002. © Marie-Claude Langevin
Sculptural installation consisting of nine wall ornaments decorating the walls of a stairwell. A circular panel is placed on a wall pierced with nine small square windows. Above the first row of windo [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Forget, Normand
Installation year: 

Lettres ès Sens

Normand Forget, Lettres ès Sens, 1993. © Centre d'Exposition Lanaudière
Hanging sculpture and four low reliefs. The hanging sculpture is an empty obelisk whose sides are pierced with an arcade. The low reliefs consist of four tilted panels featuring Braille letters, Morse [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Forget, Normand
Installation year: 

Le chants des mots, l'image des sons

Normand Forget, Le chant des mots, l'image des sons, 1998. © Chantal LemieuxNormand Forget, Le chant des mots, l'image des sons, 1998. © Chantal Lemieux
Work consists of a hanging sculptural element and a series of low reliefs. Words are cut out in a steel sheet using a wet cutting technique. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Forget, Normand
Installation year: 

Des Codes-ages

Normand Forget, Des Codes-ages, 1993. © Centre d'Exposition Lanaudière
Low relief with an irregular contour. The artist attached a pink granite slab, a bronze plate and an aluminium structure shaped like an obelisk onto a slate slab. Three line segments are engraved into [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Forget, Normand
Installation year: