Artworks list of Newman, Holly

Tree Bands

Holly Newman, Tree Bands, 2008Holly Newman, Tree Bands, 2008Holly Newman, Tree Bands, 2008Holly Newman, Tree Bands, 2008
Text wrapped around trees with ribbons, textiles and common art crafts elements [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Newman, Holly
Installation year: 

Garden Grow

Holly Newman, Garden Grow, 2001Holly Newman, Garden Grow, 2001
Veil with embroidery representing plants. The text is embroidered. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Newman, Holly
Installation year: 

Fortune’s Folly

Holly Newman, Fortune’s Folly, 2008Holly Newman, Fortune’s Folly, 2008Holly Newman, Fortune’s Folly, 2008
Text and objects are hung around a tree. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Newman, Holly
Installation year: 

I Witness

Holly Newman, I Witness, 2006Holly Newman, I Witness, 2006Holly Newman, I Witness, 2006Holly Newman, I Witness, 2006. © Holly Newman
Sixteen short phrases relate observations about daily events that might occur when using the public transit system. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Newman, Holly
Installation year: