Woven fabric

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Woven cloth, formed by the interlacing of at least two sets of yarn.

A Thousand Kisses Deep

Éric Pelletier, A Thousand Kisses Deep, 2010. © Marie-Claude LangevinÉric Pelletier, A Thousand Kisses Deep, 2010. © Marie-Claude LangevinÉric Pelletier, A Thousand Kisses Deep, 2010. © Marie-Claude Langevin
The installation consists of a gigantic glass prism with a rectangular base, which is split in the middle to disclose a silky texture that longs to be touched. The rectangle is covered with letters th [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Pelletier, Éric
Installation year: 

Garden Grow

Holly Newman, Garden Grow, 2001Holly Newman, Garden Grow, 2001
Veil with embroidery representing plants. The text is embroidered. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Newman, Holly
Installation year: 


Lorraine Oades, Sewing, 1997Lorraine Oades, Sewing, 1997
Every day, the artist embroidered on a piece of cloth a significant sentence from one of the 32 chapters of the French and English versions of the novel Bonheur d'occasion by Gabrielle Roy. After [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Oades, Lorraine
Installation year: 
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