Artwork identification
The structure is made up of two main masses, erected side by side and supporting each other: it illustrates duality and equality, and is a reminder of Louis Robichaud’s fight against inequality and intolerance (English/French, rich/poor, North/South of the province).
Chances égales/Equal Opportunity
•A book, symbolizing education, because his government was responsible for creating the Université de Moncton, for integrating the teacher training school in universities and for establishing secondary schools, thus providing high-quality education for Acadians and ensuring the development of their culture.
•A fountain, to represent the sacred principle of water that is universal. In many cosmogonies, water is the element used to create or recreate the world. The fountain is also conducive to meditation and contemplation.
•A scale used to symbolize the fact that Louis Robichaud was a member of the Bar Association and also to illustrate his equality and social justice programme.