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Result of the dismantling of the different pieces composing an artwork.

Paix, Justice et Liberté

Armand Vaillancourt, Paix, Justice et Liberté, 1989
Steel sheets were covered with anti-war messages. They also featured a list of 32 companies in the Montreal area that may be involved in the arms trade, according to the artist. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Vaillancourt, Armand
Installation year: 

Imperfection de la langue

Lucie Duval, Imperfection de la langue, 2004Lucie Duval, Imperfection de la langue, 2004Lucie Duval, Imperfection de la langue, 2004
The installation consists of three sentences hanging between trees. The letters are red. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Duval, Lucie
Installation year: 


Pierre Bourgault, NNNEEESSSSOONNNNN, 2001Pierre Bourgault, NNNEEESSSSOONNNNN, 2001
A container with the letters "NNNEEESSSSSOONN" painted on its sides is found floating in the canal. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Bourgault, Pierre
Installation year: 

Les Écritures d’eau

Pierre Bourgault, Les écritures d'eau, 1986Pierre Bourgault, Les écritures d'eau, 1986
The work consists of white painted wooden boards, linked end to end by two yellow polypropylene ropes and kept at the bottom of the river with boat anchors. The sculpture initially looked like a giant [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Bourgault, Pierre
Installation year: 
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