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General term for rock that has been cut, shaped, crushed, or otherwise formed for use in construction or other purposes.

Justice et paix

Armand Vaillancourt, Justice et paix, 1986
A sculpture consisting of two carved and engraved rocks, set next to each other. A steel ladder is attached to each rock. Each surface is partially covered with carved and painted hollow handprints. T [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Vaillancourt, Armand
Installation year: 

Drapeau Blanc

Armand Vaillancourt, Drapeau Blanc, 1987Armand Vaillancourt, Drapeau Blanc, 1987Armand Vaillancourt, Drapeau Blanc, 1987
Composed of thirteen stones, the sculpture is laid out in the shape of an arrow as a tribute to Native populations. The stones are engraved with human imprints and messages. These are quotes by famous [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Vaillancourt, Armand
Installation year: 

Promenade de la poésie

Divers, Promenade de la poésie, 1994 © Marie-Claude LangevinDivers, Promenade de la poésie, 1994 © Marie-Claude Langevin
292 plates are scattered throughout the city of Trois-Rivières. These plates are fixed to the exterior walls of buildings. A verse taken from a love poem by a Québec writer is written on each plate. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Bellarmare, Gaston
Installation year: 

Indices fragmentés

The work consists of posters and tombstones. 3,500 posters were put up by a company specializing in indoor and outdoor billposting. The posters feature text on the left and, on the right, a detail fro [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Neumark, Devora
Installation year: 

Des Codes-ages

Normand Forget, Des Codes-ages, 1993. © Centre d'Exposition Lanaudière
Low relief with an irregular contour. The artist attached a pink granite slab, a bronze plate and an aluminium structure shaped like an obelisk onto a slate slab. Three line segments are engraved into [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Forget, Normand
Installation year: 

Le bruit du monde

Gilbert Boyer, Le bruit du monde, 2002
The artwork consists of a long glass wall installed under a light shaft. Messages, sentences, words, handwritten or typographical signs as well as declarations collected from the institution's student [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Boyer, Gilbert
Installation year: 

La Montagne des jours

Gilbert Boyer, La Montagne des jours, 1991. © Gilbert BoyerGilbert Boyer, La Montagne des jours, 1991Gilbert Boyer, La Montagne des jours, 1991. © Gilbert Boyer
These five discs lying on the ground along the trails of Mount-Royal. These discs are hardly visible from afar, they are based sometimes with soil and leaves. In winter, they are imperceptible as cove [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Boyer, Gilbert
Installation year: 
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