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Use for the general category of materials produced by weaving, felting, knotting, twining, or otherwise processing natural or synthetic fibres so that they cohere into a form or unit.

12 écriteaux au cou des arbres

Monique Bertrand, 12 écriteaux au cou des arbres, 2004
Twelve steel plates were suspended to trees. These plates were painted black with white markings. The inscriptions appeared sometimes as icons (star, crescent moon), sometimes as two dates on a tombst [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Bertrand, Monique
Installation year: 

The You Are Here Garden

Taco Iwashima & Christopher Bruce Mathews, You Are Here Garden, 2002
At the entrance to the trail, a huge curtain features the phrase "You Are Here" in white letters. In the wooded area, white ribbons are hanging on which the phrase "you are here" is repeated. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Iwashima, Taco; Mathews, Christopher Bruce
Installation year: 

La rencontre-Natshishkatum

Michel Depatie, La rencontre-Natshishkatum, 2007Michel Depatie, La rencontre-Natshishkatum, 2007Michel Depatie, La rencontre-Natshishkatum, 2007Michel Depatie, La rencontre-Natshishkatum, 2007
Large panels feature various texts. The art work consists of three installations and evokes an encounter. The first installation that appeals to the traveller consists of three rectangular pieces of c [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Depatie, Michel
Installation year: 
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