Artworks list of Purdy, Richard

L’Inversion du monde

Richard Purdy, L’inversion du monde, 1989Richard Purdy, L’inversion du monde, 1989Richard Purdy, L’inversion du monde, 1989
Sculptural and environmental installation featuring a floor mosaic, a suspended sculpture and a high relief affixed to the ceiling of the rotunda. First, a polychromic mosaic on the ground represents [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Purdy, Richard
Installation year: 


Richard Purdy, Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz…, 1994
Two aluminium murals feature engraved letters and calligraphy symbols. The metallic surface is textured and krinkled, making it difficult to read. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Purdy, Richard
Installation year: 

Voyages des quatre saisons d’un homme millénaire (Progeria Longaevus)

Richard Purdy, Voyages des quatre saisons d’un homme millénaire, 1994Richard Purdy, Voyages des quatre saisons d’un homme millénaire, 1994Richard Purdy, Voyages des quatre saisons d’un homme millénaire, 1994
The sculpture consists of a drawing depicting the life of a one thousand year-old man,  born in Venice in 992. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Purdy, Richard
Installation year: