Artworks list of Racine, Rober

L’Île des Commencements

Rober Racine, L’Île des Commencements, 1995Rober Racine, L’Île des Commencements, 1995Rober Racine, L’Île des Commencements, 1995Rober Racine, L’Île des Commencements, 1995
The artwork consists of a granite bench, 26 slabs embedded in the ground and 4 small bronze pieces grafted to the Maison des Éclusiers. The bench reproduce the shape of Ilot Normandin, a small island [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Racine, Rober
Installation year: 

Le jardin secret de Spica

Rober Racine, Le Jardin secret de Spica, 2001
Fifty deep blue plates are arranged in the courtyard. They all feature the names of stars - some familiar, others less. Spica, for example, is a magnitude 1 star in the Virgo Constellation, according [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Racine, Rober
Installation year: 

Parc de la langue française

Rober Racine, Parc de la langue française
Conceived in 1979, Parc de la langue française remains a work in progress, although various versions have been presented in Quebec, Germany and France. The project aims to create a permanent public pa [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Racine, Rober