Artworks located in Laval


Rose-Marie E. Goulet, Défilé, 1993. © Rose-Marie E. Goulet Rose-Marie E. Goulet, Défilé, 1993. © Rose-Marie E. Goulet
Located in the alley that children take to enter the schoolyard, this installation draws its formal elements from basic components of knowledge - letters and numbers. Children cross disordered rows of [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Goulet, Rose-Marie E.
Installation year: 

Un Jeudi soir à 5 h

Josée Fafard, Un jeudi soir à 15h, 2001Josée Fafard, Un jeudi soir à 15h, 2001
The work consists of nine suspended sculptures, approximately eight hundred small, colourful isosceles triangles and nine sentences or words, all attached to the ceiling. Each sculpture is associated [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Fafard, Josée
Installation year: 


Ludger Gerdes, JES,1996
The work consists of three large illuminated letters. JES is a play on language: the letter "s" has been added to the pronoun "je" ("I"). [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Gerdes, Ludger
Installation year: 


Marie-Christiane Mathieu, Murmures, 1999Marie-Christiane Mathieu, Murmures, 1999
The work is divided into four wall sections featuring text - articles from the Charter of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The text is displayed in such a way as to form the contours of huma [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Mathieu, Marie-Christiane
Installation year: