Painting installation which consisted of six paintings representing a book cover. They were inserted among the books displayed in the bookstore's window. Size, style and colour varied from one paintin
Sculptural grouping consisting of a suspended element as well as other elements installed on two adjacent walls. The suspended element represents an open book, held by a metal rod at one end
Finger-painted text in a stairwell. On the public side of the stairwell, there is a finger-painted text used in exorcisms and three periscopes placed in the toilets contain a censored religious image.
The artwork consists of a granite monolith anchored to the ground and of a metal structure. This structure, which is attached to the top of the monolith, is composed of seven cubic frames. The cubes a
The photographic installation refers to the plight of the Vietnamese Boat People who were locked up in detention centres in Hong Kong while they were seeking asylum. Installed in three Montreal Vietna
The artist transformed sixty toilets into workshops. Throughout the period of the project, she left words written on pieces of paper floating on the water in the toilet bowl.
The work consists of two paintings with irregular contours, featuring a multi-coloured abstract composition. According to the artist, they evoke the poetry of Émile Nelligan. The titles of each painti
Ten taxis roamed the streets of downtown Montreal for ten days with a light box attached to the roof. The boxes represented the "X" and the "O" of the popular tic tac toe game. "Bruit blanc" was inscr
Giant ears with engraved text on the ground. The installation consists of a sculpture and mirrors attached to the wall, as well as inlays on the ground. Asculpted bronze ear is reflected in the angled
The artwork was a sound installation consisting of a red cross marking a sewer grate. From this grid, loudspeakers broadcast a text by Joseph Beuys in a loop.
An artificial skylight features three glass-covered bronze rings that are suspended at different heights. The artwork is illuminated with a neon light and halogen lamps fitted with a blue filter. The