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The action or an act of obtaining something in exchange for payment in money or an equivalent; buying.

Monument to Robert Bourassa

Jules Lasalle, Monument to Robert Bourassa, 2006
Artwork creator(s): 
Lasalle, Jules
Installation year: 

Nulle part/Ailleurs

Michel Goulet, Nulle part/Ailleurs, 2002Michel Goulet, Nulle part/Ailleurs, 2002
The work consists of twenty painted galvanized steel chairs. Text by Luc LaRochelle is cut out into the seats. The letters are punched through, allowing light to pass through. The text can be read on [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Goulet, Michel
Installation year: 

La Montagne des jours

Gilbert Boyer, La Montagne des jours, 1991. © Gilbert BoyerGilbert Boyer, La Montagne des jours, 1991Gilbert Boyer, La Montagne des jours, 1991. © Gilbert Boyer
These five discs lying on the ground along the trails of Mount-Royal. These discs are hardly visible from afar, they are based sometimes with soil and leaves. In winter, they are imperceptible as cove [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Boyer, Gilbert
Installation year: 
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